Initially, I just paint the surface of the train table.  I do that to get started, but in fact it can look rather like a cartoon.  The next step in covering the ground is to apply texture of various types.  I usually coat the surface with rubber cement and apply the substance. After drying and depending on the substance, I may also spray with a mixture of Elmer’s glue, water and a drop or two of liquid detergent.  The types of materials I use are:

·         Sand of various types and color

·         Dirt of various types and color

·         Sand and dirt in combinations

·         A variety of purchased material made to look like grasses, earth, snow, etc.



Because of the design of the layout I make use of many vertical walls.  This technique allows me to have more trains running and visible in a layout section.  Typically, walls are made of rough stone, hewn stone, brick or wood (round logs or squared [e.g. railroad ties]).


The most common substance I use is from right behind my house – decomposed granite.  This consists of sifting stones through a series of screens to separate the various size stone.  I then:

·         Cut out my surface

·         Coat it with Liquid Nails

·         Pour my stone size(s) of choice on top

·         Press down and let dry

When done I simply attach to a vertical support .